Litigation on Behalf of State & Local Governments

Keller Rohrback has successfully represented government entities in a wide range of complex litigation.

Whether fighting environmental contamination, combating antitrust activities, or recovering hundreds of millions of dollars from misleading investments, Keller Rohrback knows how to work effectively and collaboratively with and for government clients. Our unparalleled experience in consumer protection, antitrust, employee benefits, and other areas of law—plus our hands-on, cooperative approach to litigation—have made our firm an effective partner for governments, sovereign nations and government-sponsored entities (GSEs).

Representative Cases

In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation

Keller Rohrback Managing Partner Lynn Sarko serves on the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee in this multidistrict litigation, which includes governments throughout the nation that have been damaged by the current opioid crisis. Opioid manufacturers’ and distributors’ dubious marketing and aggressive sales of prescription opioids significantly contributed to the epidemic. Keller Rohrback represents over 70 governmental entities, including counties, cities, tribes, school districts, and third-party payors across the country. Some larger clients include King County in Washington, Maricopa County in Arizona, and City and County of Denver in Colorado. Read more here.

State of Oregon vs. Monsanto Company et al.

Keller Rohrback, and the State of Oregon filed suit against Monsanto seeking to hold the chemical giant responsible for the toxic contamination it created across the state. Monsanto, the sole manufacturer of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (commonly known as PCBs), hid the dangers of this widely used suite of chemicals. PCBs are found in river sediments and measured in the tissues of fish and wildlife throughout the state. Oregon’s Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum, appointed Keller Rohrback attorneys Amy Williams-Derry, Derek Loeser, and Daniel Mensher, along with attorneys from law firm Stoll Berne, as Special Assistant Attorneys General to represent the state in this critical litigation.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands vs. United States of America et al.

Keller Rohrback represented the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) in an action for breach of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and also represented the RMI in cases at the International Court of Justice against the United Kingdom, India, and Pakistan, for breach of treaty and violations of customary international law. For this ground-breaking work, Keller Rohrback was nominated by the International Peace Bureau for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize as part of the legal team, together with the RMI’s former Foreign Minister, Tony deBrum.

Experienced and Passionate Attorneys

Our team has decades of combined experience fighting for our clients.

You can contact us at (206) 623-1900.

Gretchen Freeman Cappio

Alison E. Chase

Felicia Craick

Juli Farris

Kylie Fisher

Alison Gaffney

Laura R. Gerber

Dean N. Kawamoto

David Ko

Derek W. Loeser

Kate McCallum

Daniel Mensher

Keil Mueller

Yoona Park

Lynn Lincoln Sarko

Natida Sribhibhadh

Jen Wagner

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