EpiPen producer Mylan Settles Fraud Charges with DOJ, Keller Rohrback Pursues Case on Behalf of Consumers
In a surprise Friday announcement, the pharmaceutical company Mylan NV agreed to pay $465 million to settle claims that it overcharged the government for its life-saving EpiPen products. At issue was Mylan’s decision to classify its name-brand EpiPen as a ‘generic’ drug under the Medicaid Drug Rebate program. According to the Department of Justice, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, "on multiple occasions, provided guidance to the industry and Mylan on the proper classification of drugs and has expressly advised Mylan that their classification of EpiPen for purposes of the Medicaid Drug Rebate program was incorrect," which were ignored by the company. As a result of the misclassification, Mylan profited at the expense of American taxpayers.
The pharmaceutical company has also been under scrutiny by lawmakers as consumers have seen a six-fold increase in the price of the auto-injector device from $100 to $600 for two doses, while the company pays only $34.50 per dose. Keller Rohrback has begun an investigation into Mylan’s deceptive and unfair pricing. If you or someone you know has purchased an EpiPen since 2007, please contact attorneys Michael Meredith or Gretchen Freeman Cappio. Call 800-776-6044 or email [email protected].