Keller Rohrback Investigates Claims of Diesel Porsche Cayenne Consumers
National class action firm Keller Rohrback L.L.P. is investigating claims particular to diesel Porsche Cayenne owners and lessors as part of its larger effort on behalf of Volkswagen "clean diesel" consumers nationwide.
Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a "Notice of Violation" to Porsche AG and Porsche Cars North America alleging that Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche developed and installed a "defeat device" in certain light duty diesel vehicles equipped with 3.0 liter engines, like the Cayenne, that increases emissions of nitrogen oxide up to nine times EPA’s standard. The EPA notice indicates that Volkswagen’s alleged diesel emissions cheating extends well beyond smaller passenger vehicles and also includes SUVs like the Cayenne.
On November 2, 2015, Keller Rohrback L.L.P. filed a class action complaint including allegations that federal regulators announced that additional Volkswagen vehicles, as well as Porsche vehicles, allegedly violate emissions standards. Earlier this month, a panel of federal judges consolidated and transferred that and similar lawsuits filed against Volkswagen and related defendants to the Northern District of California, located in San Francisco. The panel chose the Honorable Charles R. Breyer, an experienced and respected judge, to oversee the litigation.
As with the previous Notice of Violation that the EPA issued concerning certain 2.0 liter diesel engines, the EPA says that Volkswagen and Porsche manufactured and installed software in the electronic control module of vehicles with 3.0 liter engines that senses when the vehicle is being tested for compliance with EPA emissions standards. When the vehicle’s technology indicates that it is undergoing a federal emissions test procedure, it operates in a low NOx “temperature conditioning” mode.
Under that testing mode, the vehicle meets emission standards. Under normal driving conditions, it does not, and the cars emit up to nine times the allowable limits of nitrogen oxides. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are a major source of smog, which triggers health problems like asthma. Volkswagen has reportedly acknowledged that the 3.0 liter engines used in the Cayenne include an Auxiliary Emissions Control Device that was not disclosed to regulators.
“Porsche, Audi, and VW consumers are looking to defendants to own up to the truth about their vehicles, and for the U.S. legal system to make this right,” said Gretchen Freeman Cappio, a partner at Keller Rohrback, which represents Volkswagen consumers in nearly every state and the District of Columbia.
Keller Rohrback, a leading consumer protection firm, filed one of the first lawsuits against Volkswagen related to the defeat device vehicles. Since then hundreds of concerned consumers from around the country have contacted Keller Rohrback to find out what they can do to help ensure that Volkswagen is held responsible for its actions. If you or a family member owns or leases a diesel Porsche Cayenne, or if you are concerned that your vehicle may be affected and have questions, please call Keller Rohrback L.L.P. to discuss our investigation and your potential claims against Volkswagen, or check out the Keller Rohrback Porsche, Audi, and Volkswagen Diesel Resource Center.
If you would like more information regarding this case, please contact us via email or call us toll free at 866.560.4043.