Keller Rohrback Warns Consumers About VW Goodwill Package
Keller Rohrback is warning consumers to be careful about taking part in Volkswagen’s new TDI Customer Goodwill Package. According to media reports, Volkswagen will officially announce the program tomorrow, but some users are already able to sign up for it today.
“While the program is a step by the automaker towards regaining the trust of consumers it has admitted deceiving, the apparently small cash and credit payments do not begin to adequately compensate TDI owners and lessees for the damages they suffered as a result of that deception,” said Gretchen Freeman Cappio, a partner at Keller Rohrback.
Keller Rohrback is also urging TDI customers to be sure they are not signing away any of their rights by taking part in Volkswagen’s “Goodwill” program. According to the website The Truth About Cars, some owners of affected cars were able to begin signing up for the program on November 8, even though the link to the “Program Rules” was not functioning. The website is warning owners of affected vehicles to not sign up for the program at this time.
“TDI owners should be on the lookout for anything that requires them to consent to any terms of vwdieselinfo.com, and they should consult a lawyer before signing any forms at a dealership and prior to accepting anything from Volkswagen,” Cappio said.
Keller Rohrback filed one of the first lawsuits against Volkswagen related to the defeat device vehicles. Since then hundreds of concerned consumers from around the country have contacted Keller Rohrback to find out what they can do to help ensure that Volkswagen is held responsible for its actions. This means forcing Volkswagen to compensate consumers and fix the polluting cars.
If you or a family member owns or leases any of the affected vehicles described above, or if you are concerned that your vehicle may be affected and have questions, please call attorneys Gretchen Freeman Cappio, Matthew Preusch, Ryan McDevitt, or Daniel Mensher at 866.560.4043 or via email at [email protected] to discuss our investigation and your potential claims against Volkswagen.
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