“Surreptitious lobbying” for EpiPen called into question by recent report; Keller Rohrback seeks relief on behalf of consumers
According to a recent report by STAT news, “Mylan Pharmaceuticals has [begun] . . . a surreptitious lobbying campaign to have its [EpiPen] device added to a coveted list of preventive services that is maintained by the federal government.”
“The [EpiPen] device may save patients from succumbing to life-threatening allergic reactions,” the report went on to explain, “but it can hardly be considered a preventive product.” Indeed, according to Dr. Virginia Moyer, a vice president at the American Board of Pediatrics “I can’t think another instance of where someone has tried to call something that is a treatment a preventive coverage. This effort on the part of Mylan is subverting the process.”
The pharmaceutical company has also been under scrutiny by lawmakers as consumers have seen a six-fold increase in the price of the EpiPen auto-injector device from $100 to $600 for two doses, while the company pays only $34.50 per dose. Keller Rohrback has begun an investigation into Mylan’s deceptive and unfair pricing. If you or someone you know has purchased an EpiPen since 2007, please contact attorneys Michael Meredith or Gretchen Freeman Cappio. Call 800-776-6044 or email [email protected].