The Issue In Summary:
According to reports,
• Tesla has been gaming the system to overstate the range of its electric vehicles.
• Tesla has been using dubious tactics to cancel service calls from vehicle owners who are concerned about their vehicles’ range.
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Keller Rohrback L.L.P. is investigating reports that electric car manufacturer, Tesla, has been rigging its range-estimating software to intentionally show inflated projections for the distance its vehicles can travel on a full battery. But this was not a matter of a mere miscalculation: according to reports, Tesla intentionally programmed its cars to show drivers more realistic range estimates only after the battery fell below 50% of its maximum charge. This manipulation could result in drivers experiencing much shorter range than what Tesla’s full-charge projections show.
Beyond misleading its customers by “vastly overstat[ing]” the actual, realistic driving range of their vehicles, reports indicate Tesla has been piling on to its bad behavior by employing the use of a “diversion team.” Tesla service centers were reportedly inundated with appointments from car owners, who understandably believed the overstated range projections and expected better performance.
Tesla allegedly created a “diversion team” to cancel these appointments under the guise of providing customer service. But “[t]housands of customers were told there is nothing wrong with their car” by advisors who had never run diagnostics.” And for every cancelled appointment, managers reportedly told employees that they were saving Tesla about $1,000. According to reports, “some employees celebrated canceling service appointments by putting their phones on mute and striking a metal xylophone, triggering applause from coworkers who sometimes stood on desks.”
If you own or lease a Tesla vehicle and are concerned that you’re not getting the range that you paid for, or have been denied a service appointment to address range concerns, contact us now for a free no-obligation consultation.
Please contact us at [email protected], (800) 776-6044, or by using the contact form on this page.