VW Emissions Scandal
In the wake of the announcement of EPA’s Notice of Violation against Volkswagen, last Friday, September 18, 2015, Volkswagen responded to consumers’ outrage with an apology by their CEO, Mark Winterkorn “I would like to make a formal apology to our customers, to the authorities, and to the general public for this misconduct." But, consumers want more than the words of an apology. They want action and accountability.
Keller Rohrback, a national leader in complex environmental and consumer protection litigation, was one of the first to file a class action lawsuit on behalf of the disgruntled consumers on September 19, 2015 and continues to vigorously investigate the case.
• The Washington Post reports the “Anatomy of Volkswagen’s deception: The recall that never fixed any cars”
By May of this year, California tests showed that “the recall calibration did reduce emissions to some degree but NOx emissions were still significantly higher than expected.”
• CNBC reports, “Volkswagen’s US Boss: We totally screwed up.” Michael Horn, chief executive of the Volkswagen Group of America.
"Our company was dishonest, with the EPA and the California Air Resources board, and with all of you and in my German words, we have totally screwed up" – Michael Horn
CNN Money reports, Volkswagen scandal widens as company sets aside $7 billion for fines related to its misconduct.
The company set aside 6.5 billion euros ($7.3 billion) to cover the cost of recalls and other efforts to limit the damage, trashing its profit forecast for the year in the process. Volkswagen’s stocks plummet 17%.
If you or a family member owns or leases any of the affected vehicles described above that vehicle is subject to a recall, or if you are concerned that your vehicle is part of the recall, please call attorneys Gretchen Freeman Cappio, Matthew Preusch, or Daniel Mensher at 866.560.4043 or via email at [email protected] to discuss our investigation and your potential claims against Volkswagen.
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